Laying Solid Foundations for Your Songwriting Practice 

Episode 1, The Magic of Songwriting with Francesca de Valence

Have you lost the drive to write songs? Do you struggle to write a handful of songs a year? Are you ready to reignite your relationship with songwriting?

In this episode of The Magic of Songwriting Podcast, Francesca reveals the key foundational ingredient that has turned her struggle to write four songs a year into writing more than 50 songs a year with so much joy and ease.

Whatever the reason for your waning songwriting practice, answering the simple questions shared in this episode will help you lay solid foundations to reignite your songwriting practice and help you move forward with clarity.

Here are the main points of the songwriting podcast episode:

When there is a struggle to write songs, it might be because the foundation for writing is not clear.

Many songwriters struggle to write songs, but at the same time continually feel pulled to write.

Francesca says about her experience, “When I first started to get serious about songwriting, I would struggle so much to write songs that I started to ask myself why I even write songs at all.”

Taking songwriting seriously doesn’t have to equate to struggling.

It took a few years for Francesca to get clear on why songwriting was important in her life, but it was in laying this new and solid foundation that she created a songwriting practice that not only helped to write over 500 songs and perform some of them around the world but also to helped thousands of other songwriters to do that. And without the struggle.

Why creating this songwriting foundation is important

When you understand why songwriting is important to you, writing songs will be so much simpler, even easier, especially when things get hard.

When you sit down to write songs and you hit a block and you walk away because your idea doesn’t sound or feel good enough, your ‘why’ will be the drive that will help you to move past the stuckness.

Without moving past the stuckness, you have no finished songs, no career outcomes, no connection with your innate gifts. You just have a whole heap of blocks, self-doubts, half-written songs and this will get you nowhere. So it is important.

The answers to these questions are your foundations

  • Why do you write songs?
  • Why do you want to write songs?
  • Does songwriting matter to you and why?
  • What does it mean to you?
  • Why is songwriting important?
  • Does songwriting change your life? And how does it do this?
  • What does songwriting bring to your life?

How this insight is going to help your songwriting practice

The clarity of this personal insight is going to help you focus and drive you forward.

Francesca says: “Songwriting is a way for me to connect with my innate gifts, my talents, it’s reaching into the depths of my thoughts, feelings, and soul and spirit, sense of humour, human senses and songs are my vehicles to express all of that. It’s a mechanism to help me grow, to get clear, to become more. Songwriting is me tapping into my higher self and the magic of the universe, source, consciousness. It’s my joy, it’s my ability to transmute lower energy into higher energy, it’s changed my life. Songwriting is one of the ways I make magic.”

Could you see that through the lens of her ‘why’, songwriting is a vital part of her life and to go a week without experiencing these amazing things would be denying herself all those beautiful benefits in life?

Given the number of people that write in the songs in the world – no matter where they’re at in their songwriting journey – if even 10% of those people understood that songwriting was their vital life force, we truly believe that more people would make the time and prioritise to write songs every single week.

Episode Show Notes:

Get your creativity, confidence, and songwriting output flowing. Join The Club and receive the support and structure to write 10 songs in 10 weeks and get feedback from a private peer community. This is THE essential writing practice that has changed the careers and lives of 1000s of songwriters worldwide.

Just getting started on your songwriting journey and need more hands-on support? Establish a firm foundation and develop your musical and lyric skills with our Beginner Songwriting Courses. They are the perfect place to begin and cover everything you need to know to write your first songs. You’ll receive lessons from Francesca directly!

Don’t struggle to write your next album – write an album a year with ease! Watch our Free Songwriting Masterclass.

Want more for your songwriting but don’t know where to go from here? Take the I Heart Songwriting Club Quiz to discover your next steps and inspire your way to writing better songs.

Get songwriting insights from I Heart Songwriting Club:




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Podcast theme song: “Put One Foot In Front Of The Other One” music and lyrics by Francesca de Valence

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By |2022-04-13T08:35:11+10:00February 4th, 2022|0 Comments

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