Here are a few of the words of feedback offered by Leanne’s Club group…

Member 1 – “No comment. This song is perfect. The chorus is so catchy, the verses are so moody, the lyrics are poetic and universal. I’m sorry but I have NO constructive criticism. Just LOVE IT!”

Member 2 – “Love the pre chorus melody. Your chorus OMG SO CATCHY! I could have easily joined in by the second time round. I also love your phrasing in the verses!”

Member 3 – “WOW!!! The rhythmic drive is an immediate hook for me. Then those melodic hooks kept me! That chorus!! It has a familiarity about it that screams – hit – like “Stuck in the middle with you” but not. I’m pretty sure this has arrived… Yeah I friggin love it.”

Member 4 – “I think I’m going to have this chorus stuck in my head for days! I love it Leanne Tennant . I think it’s a keeper, but I do understand that feeling of too much repetition and sometimes getting sick of songs.. but really, you should keep this song!”

Member 5 – “ok.. you are off the hook.. your playing, and your general song prosody makes me want to put your album on (would i find one if I looked for one?) Keep em coming. Love it”