Your Songwriting Task

Theme: Community
Guideline: Write a song for your favourite people who you are not able to be with right now
Time Limit: 1 hour 
Listening Guide: As you listen, consider the importance and value of community in your life.

Rabbit Hole (In Love We Hide)

Songwriter – Chris de Souza

I Heart Songwriting Club is a global community of passionate songwriters who love to help and inspire people to become great songwriters!

Rabbit Hole was written just before the Australian government stepped up their game in dealing with the pandemic, and I was starting to freak out and go into self-preservation mode. Writing this song helped me realign with my value for community, to take care of my neighbours as I take care of myself.”

Lil’ Community

Songwriter – Angela Koranski (Artist Name: Angie Grace)

I Heart Songwriting Club is a global community of passionate songwriters who love to help and inspire people to become great songwriters!

Staying at home during a pandemic is not how singer songwriter, Angie Grace imagined spending her final year of high school. “I decided to use social isolation as a time to write music and to work out how I could communicate to an audience when I couldn’t play my music live. Lil’ Community is my interpretation of finding pleasure in small acts of kindness and one good deed deserving of another.”

Under the Milky Way

Songwriter – Francesca de Valence

I Heart Songwriting Club is a global community of passionate songwriters who love to help and inspire people to become great songwriters!

“I wrote this song with my mama in mind – so therefore it had to be a bossa nova. She loves when I play my French bossa nova songs. I self-recorded this song the following weekend after writing, made a music video at home, and released it. It was totally freeing to release music this way.”