107, 2017


By |July 1st, 2017|

Hope Sam Buckingham, Byron Bay, (AUS) July 2017 Do you know that meme that’s gone around Facebook about a million times that has written in bold, “Badly explain your profession”? Everyone comments with zero hope for their career; how may an alien from outer space perceive what they do? This is mine: “I move my hands around a piece of wood with metal tied to it and tell people about my feelings.”

106, 2017

We Can’t Be Blooming All Month

By |June 1st, 2017|

We Can't Be Blooming All Month Lucy Peach, Perth (AUS)   June 2017 I premiered a theatre piece at Perth Fringe World called My Greatest Period Ever this year. It is a synopsis of how I used the principles of the book The Optimised Woman to make music and just live life in general. It was half stories and some theory/facts and half songs that all reflected one of the 4 phases associated

105, 2017

One Song At A Time

By |May 1st, 2017|

One Song At A Time Hannah Athanasiadis and Naomi Kellner-Read, Brisbane, (AUS) May 2017 A last-minute decision, a leap of faith and four months of preparation led us to May 7, 2017 — Opening Night of Music & Lyrics with Naomi & Hannah. The journey leading up to our first performance as part of Brisbane’s Anywhere Theatre Festival 2017 was anything but smooth. We both had to jump hurdles, battle our fears, and learn to work

103, 2017

100 Songs and Counting…

By |March 1st, 2017|

100 Songs and Counting... Helen Perris, Sydney, (AUS) March 2017 For the last two years, since the end of March, 2015, I have been part of I Heart Songwriting Club, writing a song a week, surrounded by fantastic musicians and songwriters with so much talent, passion and heart. This diverse group of people have held me safely and securely while I've explored the deep dark crevices of my own soul, pushing my own

109, 2015

How Writing a 1-hour Song Every Week for a Year Changed Me

By |September 1st, 2015|

How Writing a 1-hour Song Every Week for a Year Changed Me Francesca de Valence, Brisbane, (AUS) September 2015 Apparently, there are two types of people. People who believe that intelligence is a fixed thing, and people who think it’s changeable. I believed that my intelligence was finite. I think I learnt that because other people always said to me when I was a kid how ‘talented’ and ‘clever’ I was, especially


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